Thursday, January 11, 2007

Our Very Own Dancing Queen

Happy 14th Months

Our little jewel officially turns 14 months today. Its been quite a while since I last update on Lil E's progress. So here goes:

Weight : 9.6kg
Height : 76cm
Teething : Lil E cut her lower & upper lateral incisors about 2 mths ago. Altogether she now has 4 upper teeths & 4 lower teeths.


~ Lil E could now walk very well. Sometimes she even resorts to a little running. With this newly acquired skill, she enjoys exploring the whole hse from the living hall way back to the wet kitchen and even into the toilets.

~ Climbing up & down the stairs while holding to the railings of the stairs and with our assistance.

~ Used to love eating porridge but not anymore..:( Ever since she turn 1 year old, she just refuse to eat porridge...Oh!! i reminisce those times whenever i offered her porridge, she would open her mouth wide open.

~ Breads & biscuits are her favourite food and nowadays since she doesn't take her porridge anymore, these has become her 3 solid meals taken together with her daily 5 oz milk, 4 times a day. In between she snacks on fruits like apples, yoghurt and some bite size cheese.

~ Usually during dinner, I would give her some of the food we are eating like some steamed egg; tofu; steamed or fried fish fillet and a few spoonful of soft rice.

>Emotions & Characters

~ Getting more & more mischievous nowadays. Likes meddling with the electrical cables and points at home eventhough we've told her numerous times not to. I've threathened her before with the 'rotan' and she will stop for a while...but still go ahead with it when we turned our back.

~ Loves mimicking our actions eg. stirring an empty cup with a spoon and then drink from the cup. This I guess she learns from her grandma. Coz her grandma's morning ritual is to have a cuppa at the dining table. Lil E will be with her of course having her morning snack of bread or biscuits. Lil E picks it up from there, I guess

~ Always want immediate attention, or else her shouting session will start. Showing some toddler tantrums nowadays by crying 'crocadile tears', stomping her feet and shouting.

~ Tend to be quite sociable with strangers (so far only with children) now. She will look at the other children with close eye to eye contact and touch their face or hands and babbles her baby language to them.

~ Has a special penchant for music. Her face will lit up and smile whenever she hears any kinds of music. She will also starts to swing her arms and dance to the accompanying music. Also likes to play with the piano by pressing the keys one by one with her fingers.

~ She tends be very manja with her daddy. Whenever she sees her daddy around, she'll call out pa-pa in a very sweet and soft voice. This girl really knows how to 'melt' her daddy's heart.

~ Starts to get close to our pet dog Tomba. She's not afraid to go near him now. On a few occassions she even wanted to poke her finger into Tomba's nose, this may be her own way of saying hello but we stopped her half way. Also, she likes to share her food of bread or biscuits with Tomba. This we also have to stop her from doing it each time. Hope the two of them could be the best of mates in the near future.

~ So far, could only say pa-pa, mum-mum (referring to food) & ma-ma (1st time today). The rest she babbles on with her own baby language.