Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Haircut

The photos above say it all. Yup, Lil E had a haircut 2 days ago. She really needed one coz her hair is getting longer esp. her fringe was about to cover her eyes. Her hair grows quite fast i noticed. Her last haircut i recalled was around 2 months ago. Anyway, the hairdresser only cut her fringe but if u notice, this time the hairstyle is a bit different. I make sure the hairdresser cut it straight across, like a china doll hairstyle. Unlike the last time which the hairdresser screw up by cutting Lil E's fringe with jagged ends.

Btw, thought of putting this down. When Lil E had her haircut 2 days ago, I was at work. MIL relayed this to me. The hairdresser actually came over to our hse and there she was, Lil E happily seated on great grandma's lap for the haircut. As soon the cloth were draped over Lil E's shoulders, she immediately let out a LOUD wail..!!! Lil E was crying so loud with big drops of tears streaming down her cheeks...oh! poor baby!!...she must've been startled by the actions of the hairdresser with putting the cover over her shoulders so quickly. The hairdresser only starts to cut Lil E's hair after she has cooled down a bit. But still, Lil E was sobbing throughout the session....oh! my poor baby!!

But I must say, she looks good in this hairstyle...i personally like it a lot!

1 comment:

SU3 said...

jo - Hi....Fui-yoh!..Ur sis is so super, know how to cut ash's hair though only fringe area. My shaky hands can't do that leh!!.:)