How time flies. Lil' E is now 11 mths and she's turning ONE real soon.Here are her developments.......
Weight : 8.8kg (last weighed in end Sept)
Teeth Growth : 2 lower central incisorsMobilitySitting - She can crawl & crawl and then turns herselft around to a sitting position easily.
Crawling - Lil' E can crawl really fast, whether she's on the floor or on our bed.
Cruising - Lil' E loves 'cruising' (walk at the same time hanging on to something for support). She loves doing this esp in her cot or her playpen. She can even cruise while holding a toy in the other hand.
Walking - She could take a few steps only when we hold her on the armpits and guide her on...
Climbing - Lil' E could climb 2 steps but i reckon it's kinda dangerous for her to do this 'stunt' this can only be done under mommy/daddy's supervision.
Mommy calls it 'baby talk'...coz we couldn't really understand what she's trying to say. Her baby language consist of words like....Bu-eh!!(when she sees something amusing/she's in a good mood.....Eik!..eik!..eik!(this's to show her displeasure in a more angrier tone).....sometimes she'll also say pa-pa-pa or meh-meh-meh ( i reckon she's calling us, i hope) and mum-mum-mum(this she'll point at her milk bottle if she sees one to tell us she wants milk).
Hands/Legs CoordinationShe can clap her hands, wave bye bye, open and close her hands (when i sing the twinkle twinkle little star song), pick up small pieces of bread or biscuit to put in her mouth. Able to hold a piece of biscuit to munch. Sometimes, she tries to reach for the spoon whenever I feed her esp. towards the end of her meal times. Whenever we sing a song to her, she'd be dancing in her own style by rocking her body up & down and waving her hands at the same time.
FeedingMilk - It's usually 7oz of milk per feed. 1st meal of the day usually around 6.30am. Then it'll be solids in between till 6pm when we'll give another round of milk. She'll have her last feed for the day at around 9pm before her bedtime.
Solids - She's on 2 solid meals of porridge, one in mid morning & the other in mid afternoon and snacks on a few pcs of biscuits a day . We will usually rotate the ingredients to cook for the porridge. Her favourite is blended broccoli, potatoes & powdered anchovies porridge. Noticed her eating habits are different when we feed her this porridge. Her face will lits up and smile when she took the 1st spoonful. Other than this, we'll also cook blended chicken meat w spinach or fish w spinach porridge for Lil' E which she happily takes in as well.
EmotionsLikes to rest her head on mommy/daddy's tummy when we lie down. Can be quite a 'koala bear'(clinging)...likes being carried around the hse. Tend to 'manja' daddy more.
A Day in Lil' E's Life

Noticed how she holds a toy in one hand & the other holding on to the cot bars for support while doing her 'cruising' stunts.

Lil' E happily playing with her teddy bear

Uh..Oh!!!, Lil' E getting impatient...She wants some attention. Okay, mommy is here..!!